He also said the guidelines would "make people reflect, because of the moral stature of the pope himself."
Last year's first-quarter profit reflects a restatement because of the accounting change relating to income taxes.
While most deaths occurred in Baghdad, the report suggests it may not reflect all casualties from other areas because of difficulties collecting information.
Foundations gave $7.76 billion, an increase reflecting the growth of their assets because of improved stock market performance.
That is 15,000 below prior estimates, which already reflected a 20 percent cut because of a temporary halt in building the Freestar minivan.
In general the chronicle reflects the author's bitterness, sorrow and frustration because of the course of events.
Over all, however, the school board's total budget of $7.75 billion reflects a nearly $100 million cut because of reductions in state aid.
But that rebound mainly reflects improved affordability because of low interest rates and sluggish prices.
Injuries rose from 13,485 to 14,700, but police believe the increase may reflect more reporting of minor accidents because of increased police attention.
The vote total does not reflect the actual vote because of the unqualified status of the candidates.