Cost of goods sold may also reflect adjustments.
But traders said the volume, estimated at 100,000 contracts of 1,000 barrels each, largely reflected adjustments caused by the expiration of the spot May delivery contracts rather than any significant market factors.
Real numbers reflect adjustments for inflation, and inflation was down sharply in the quarter, thanks in part to falling oil prices.
But he said that because the development would take 25 years to complete, the master plan would be constantly changed to reflect adjustments in the housing market and consumers' tastes.
Or it may reflect necessary adjustments to the concept of nature on the mental landscape: a breakdown in the oppositional relationship between nature and culture that has led to catastrophic consequences.
Goodyear said the new price reflects adjustments for such items as pension and benefits provision, allocation of liabilities and asset valuations.
Businessland said it would restate its results for the second and third quarters of the fiscal year 1990 to reflect adjustments for accounting errors.
Neither those figures nor the total number of jobless workers, which was up from 4.15 million in December, reflected seasonal adjustments.
In NAEP, each sampled student is assigned a weight that makes proper allowances for the sampling design and reflects adjustments for school and student nonparticipation.
The slope of the inner trench slope of an accretionary convergent margin reflects continuous adjustments to the thickness and width of the accretionary prism.