Homeowners refinanced their mortgages at lower rates, and the savings went into consumer spending.
This has abruptly stalled plans by thousands of homeowners to refinance their houses at even lower rates than they already enjoy.
As the stock's value increased, the company could refinance its debt at better rates.
When interest rates dropped again a short time later, they refinanced their acquisitions at lower rates.
That will allow it to refinance its debt at more attractive rates.
By refinancing at lower rates, they extracted cash to buy furniture and appliances.
Of the $81.2 billion in new municipal issues this year, 67 percent was used to refinance older debt at high-interest rates.
His government has enlisted state banks to buy up expensive debts, and refinance them at much lower rates of interest for repayment.
Many homeowners refinancing the mortgages at current lower rates are also reducing the loan period.
Homeowners refinanced their mortgages at lower rates, often taking out home equity loans to buy cars and furniture.