Mr. Chávez would do well to build on his referendum victory by turning down the invective, reaching out to opponents and trying to heal his bitterly divided country.
To the contrary, the referendum victory emboldened him to take a tougher, less flexible position in the negotiations.
They argue that unseemly haggling with Congress will allow the momentum of the referendum victory to seep away.
Kibaki's main opponent, Raila Odinga, had used the referendum victory to launch the ODM, which nominated him as its presidential Candidate for the 2007 elections.
Following the referendum victory, the NCA reorganized itself as the new province's Liberal Party under Smallwood's leadership.
In the aftermath of his referendum victory, Chávez's primary objectives of fundamental social and economic transformation and redistribution accelerated dramatically.
The relative absence of a strong sense of belonging to an independent country was the underlying reason for Joey Smallwood's referendum victory.
In particular, he has been criticized for losing the momentum created by his stunning referendum victory in April, when the people expressed strong support for him and his program.
A Comeback for Yeltsin Although Boris N. Yeltsin's referendum victory can be viewed as a dramatic comeback, he is not plunging ahead with major reforms.