The referendum on Saturday would amend the country's 98-year-old Constitution to remove the British sovereign as head of state in Australia's parliamentary democracy.
The referendums would amend the state's 1989 Forest Practices Act, which is widely seen, even by many in the industry, as not stringent enough.
If adopted by the voters, the referendum would have amended Suffolk's charter to require the county government to formally oppose the Lilco takeover plan.
The referendum amended the constitution - rewritten in 1996 to greatly expand Mr. Lukashenko's powers - to remove language that limited a president to two terms.
The referendum amended the Constitution mostly to strengthen the power of the presidency.
Abortion is illegal in the Republic of Ireland except when the woman's life is threatened by a medical condition or a suicide risk, since a 1983 referendum amended the constitution.
The term-limit referendum amended the current city charter.
The referendum would amend the Constitution to state bluntly, "Switzerland has no army."
The office of mayor was abolished in July 2004 after a public referendum amended the municipal charter.
The referendum would have amended the 98-year-old Constitution to remove the British monarch as the figurehead leader in Australia's parliamentary democracy.