On what relates to Schaefer expedition, till now, there are no clear and independent references linking this statue to it.
This is one of the earliest references linking an area legend with dinosaurs, and has been argued to describe a Mokèlé-mbèmbé-like creature.
There is no credible reference or evidence linking Dogar tribes to Bhatti tribe or Bhatti caste system.
CrossRef provides the technical and business infrastructure to provide for this reference linking using Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs).
Readers of Mr. Irving's Web site can find this statement, but it is nowhere in the book, whose only reference linking Hitler to the boycott is the sentence quoted above.
In this work he developed the "concepts underlying the OpenURL framework for open reference linking in the web-based scholarly information environment."
"The use and usability of SFX: context-sensitive reference linking."
Anonymous Jury Sought The only official reference linking Mr. Sadowski to the Fusco assault case came yesterday afternoon when prosecutors in the Eastern District filed a motion seeking an anonymous jury for the case in which Mr. Fusco and 13 others are charged with burglary and racketeering.
After ITV's unification in 2002, the two London franchises, Carlton Television and London Weekend Television were merged into a single entity, ITV London, while the Wales and West franchise lost its official identity and instead was substituted with ITV Wales and ITV West on-air, with no reference linking the two together.