A reference dose is the United States Environmental Protection Agency's maximum acceptable oral dose of a toxic substance.
Reference doses are chemical-specific, i.e. the EPA determines a unique reference dose for every substance it evaluates.
An acute reference dose was suggested to be 64 g for a person with weight of 60 kg.
Provide physicians and technologists with reference doses based on anatomy, purpose of the study, and patient size.
There have been established an acute and chronic reference dose (RfD) for bifenthrin, based on animal studies.
The acute reference dose (RfD) for bifenthrin is 0.328 mg/kg bodyweight/day.
The chronic reference dose (RfD) for bifenthrin is 0.013 mg/kg bodyweight/day.
Its reference dose is 0.4 micrograms per kilogram of body weight.
Pesticides and Birds: Pesticide Toxicity (acute reference dose)
A review of the reference dose and reference concentration processes.