This reference cites annual review issues of Railway Age as the primary source the table.
(Three other references cite the year as being 1931.)
The additional references cited below, as other references, add to the history of this site, and offer a pictorial overview.
A fair number of examples that I think are properly selected have been discussed in the literature, in the references cited, and again here.
The patent office said the references cited in the petition raised substantial new questions about the patentability of the Wisconsin work.
More than 600,000 references contain cross-references to citing or cited publications.
In the reference cited, the plans detail different categories of emergencies and the protective actions including possible evacuation.
It is common for one organization to refer to (reference, call out, cite) the standards of another.
With references citing the highest authorities, in case you are in any doubt.
For this a reference to the articles cited in the bibliography must suffice.