His references allude to the valley's increasing grandeur, and they constitute an implicit rejection of the region's own far more modest architectural vernacular.
The Mayor's reference to earlier difficulties alludes to the tortuous path he has taken in Albany since his inauguration.
The reference was subtle, but clearly alluded to a priest who just yesterday had admitted to molesting no fewer than thirty young boys in his care.
There are numerous references to the numbers five and eight throughout the artwork, alluding to the album's concept.
The reference alludes to WorldSpace Corporation's financial underwriters among the Saudi royal family, which reportedly had invested more than $2.5 billion in the start-up stages.
The reference alludes to the propensity for nasal hemorrhage at high altitudes, usually owing to lower barometric pressure.
If you go, you should know that references to the bad fellows from the "ticket office" allude to tax collectors.
No reference alludes to this "supposed" conflict and further research, needed.
The reference to a nightingale alludes to the tale of Philomela in Ovid's Metamorphoses on several levels.
Many other references from the game alludes to the many influences Seth had.