Or when a referee flat-out missed a call that cost a team a game.
The referees, like most fans, will miss Michael Jordan who recently announced his retirement from the Chicago Bulls.
We eventually lost 23-15, but the referee "missed" a try scored by our scrum-half Alessandro Troncon and it was not to be.
They claimed that the referees missed a scoring kick by Stevenson; subsequent examination of video footage showed this to be true.
In 1986, the referee missed the flailing left hand of Maradona and permitted the goal that won a quarterfinal game.
Consequently, the video judges are seeing things the referees missed, important things that negate goals and change games.
In the NHL, the linesman may also call major intent-to-injure penalties that the referee may have missed.
The referee missed that assault, but this time Leonardo was handed a red card, which should qualify him for the midnight flight to Rio.
The referee missed the incident, and Cahill then broke to score the second on the counter.
Keenan said that the referee, Andy van Hellemond, missed the original reason for the altercation.