His swarming attacks gradually overwhelmed wright who took two knock downs and a standing count before the referee halted it in the third.
Whitaker's right eye swelled, and the referee halted the fight in the next round to let Whitaker have someone look at his eye.
After being confronted by Kawashima, the referee halted the match for several minutes until order was restored.
The referee halted the contest after 3 rounds.
The referee may halt the action for reasons such as a safety hazard, fencer injury, or violation of the rules.
Luger's foot was on the ropes, however, so the referee halted the three-count and continued the match.
The referee halted the bout at the :47 mark of round three, immediately following the second knockdown of the round.
After landing a four-punch combination that sent Perez to the ropes, the referee moved in and halted the fight.
Usagin got up and stood on wobbling legs but the referee had already halted the fight.
The referee halted the bout after Phillips failed to recover from a knockdown.