Assyrian sources refer both to the land and its capital city with the same name.
Japan refers to the Republic of China on Taiwan with the neutral name "Taiwan."
However, major capitals and historically relevant cities and regions are still referred to with the Italian name.
This is done by referring to a spot color with the special name All.
Dampier Strait may refer to two different straits with the same name which are located on the same island of New Guinea:
Commanda, although he was married, never had children, though he was referred to with the respectful name "Grandfather."
After their death, they would be referred to by the same title, with the posthumous name (usually one character) inserted in the middle.
The term Nagoya obi can also refer to another obi with the same name, used centuries ago.
Trinity Theological College may refer to a number of colleges with the same name in many parts of the world:
"Cease referring to Thai people inconsistently with the name of the nationality, or according to the preference of the group."