"Joe Kirkland told me to hurry over here because you were fixing to sell my store," he said, referring to his friend from the pool hall.
Thereafter General Noriega referred to his friend the Vice President.
Consider these four phrases, each of which means something different: my sister's friend's books (refers to one sister and her friend).
He refers simply to his friend " a meeting near the street of Furstenberg ".
"I had to call Paul Rudnick to talk me down," she said, referring to her friend and fellow playwright.
I take it you don't refer to our friend, but to the actual head of the Chapter?
"I suppose you refer to your friend Lorna," retorted Ruth.
"He came in and asked if I knew any investigators," he said, referring to his friend as everyone did yesterday, by the name John.
My father refused to go and pay his respects, and would never refer to his late friend by name, calling him simply: 'that traitor'.
At the end of the story, Airtight refers to his friend as "Italian".