Classless society refers to a society in which no one is born into a social class.
In the Marxist tradition, it usually refers to a pre-class society "where women and men share equally in production and power."
As a noun, it appears in 1606 referring to a single person, in contrast to a society or family.
After Nasser, he says, his themes seemed to refer to a vanished society and for five years Mahfouz wrote no books.
Today, the word is used to refer to a society that is unrealistic, and impossible to make.
The word utopia can also refer to a society of such an attempt.
This verse however refers to a relationship between a husband and wife, not as a society in whole.
In sociology it may refer to a society or group that includes individuals of differing ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, sexes, or ages.
In the modern sense, this refers to a society that wants to promote one genre of literature or a specific writer.
This term does not directly refer to a geographically confined society, but to the cultural, moral, or ideological superiority of a community lacking social exposure.