For this reason it is often informally referred to in the press as the "mega-mosque".
The situation has been referred to in the French press as a "grave deterioration of the social climate."
An active discussion forum, which has been referred to in the press as a think-tank of Indian military issues.
They have often been referred to in the Japanese press as the "American Beatles".
These tactics made up what was referred to in the press as the blitzkrieg, or lightning war.
Once again the aircraft was referred to as the He 112U in the press.
The document is referred to in the British press as the "dodgy dossier."
Poles were often referred to in the press in this period as the "lice of the nation".
This has been referred to in the press as the "Moneymaker Effect."
It is regularly referred to in the press as one of London's most popular clubs.