"And that is your prince to whom you are referring in such a disrespectful manner."
It can sometimes be used jokingly to refer to Western people or civilization in a cultured manner.
She didn't like it when he referred to their relationship in such a casual manner.
Frank also referred to many of Canada's elite in a derogatory manner based upon their personalities, name, or other unique characteristics.
Tucker slowly becomes accustomed to this role, even snapping back at Church when he refers to it in a flippant manner.
How many C.E.O.'s have to be indicted before you start referring to them in a similar discourteous manner?
"That's why they want to destroy us and refer to us in a pejorative manner."
Diogenes Laertius refers to him in a similarly cursorial manner.
In the end, one paragraph referred to it in a generic manner.
The parties to each bilateral negotiation may refer reports on the status of their negotiations to the conference, in a manner to be agreed.