The company is often referred to as an example of the dot-com boom.
The canal featured a number of innovations, and was referred to as an example for later engineering projects.
At the time of the release, it was referred as a "typical example of average film that in Italy seems to have completely disappeared".
Of the foundation's accomplishments and prospects, he added: "One day people will refer to this foundation as an example of what foundations can do."
Why does Paul refer to Abraham, Israel's ancestor, as an example of faith?
Bab is usually referred by the rest of the community as a bad example and an occasional drug addict.
Recently the Spectator made the case for schools being able to make a profit, and referred to Sweden as a shining example.
It has been referred to as "an unappetizing example of industrialized food production."
The okapi is sometimes referred to as an example of a living fossil.
She referred to salwa judum as an example of excesses by the state.