The article referred to the church as a place that keeps "fellow citizens from drowning."
Wired magazine has referred to Undergroundfilm as "a place on the web for serious filmmakers."
As the venture was being delayed, he referred to Scotland as a "dark place" where "you can't believe how strong the homosexuals are."
It is referred to as a place without much coal, "just alligators and some of the worst Chinese food you ever tasted."
The second category, commonly referred to as a semi-public place, is determined by the size and composition of the audience.
Around 1616, a cupping house was referred to as a place to drink.
He often refers to it as a place where he could come and think.
Public baths are also referred to as a place to find sexual partners.
It is referred to as Jesus' own city and a place where he lived.
Ms. Wicker refers to the intersection of physical and psychic phenomena as a place.