Senior officials said the reductions ranged from skimping on office supplies to postponing painting barracks.
The decrease varied across the five transgenic lines, with reductions ranging from 1.3- to 24-fold.
The reductions range from 5.7 percent for the top-of-the-line Turbo, now priced at $44,900, to 8.6 percent for the basic model, now priced at $33,245.
The cut is the smallest of any major Federated division; the reductions have ranged from about 300 employees to more than 1,200, or as many as 7 percent of a division's workers.
Most reductions will range from 7 percent to 10 percent; executives will lose 15 percent.
In his study, he said, the reduction in blood flow ranged from 5 percent to about 40 percent.
The reduction in risk of death from breast cancer ranged from 100% among moderate-risk women to 81% among high-risk women.
He said the reductions would range from 20 percent for some companies to zero for others.
The reduction in these and similar indicators of anxiety ranged from 8 to 11 percentage points between the two polls.
In the vicinity of camera sites, the reductions ranged from 8% to 49% for all crashes, with reductions for most studies in the 14% to 25% range.