A reduction of GG emissions to sustainable rates implies massive changes in levels and structures of energy use and radical changes in economic behaviour.
The 40% reduction in area of the park implied the removal of the Backlot River Tour, Deep Earth Exploration, and Manhattan Theatre.
The drastic reduction in sediment transport implies a sediment deficit in the Delta, which is causing the erosion of the coastline.
Even such apparently small reductions in GDP growth imply big cumulative differences in the long run.
The reduction of all psychology to physiology implies, to some, that human beings can be bred for cultural traits.
The sector spent £12.1bn on paid staff in 2007/08 - a 9% reduction might imply cuts to the sector in the region of £1.09bn.
As I have argued before, disproportionate reduction in quality in relation to reduction in prices imply a lack of sufficient competition in the market.
This gives Cornell realists a simple response to the charge that you cannot have naturalism without naturalistic fallacy: namely, that metaphysical reduction doesn't imply semantic reduction.
Any reduction in production implies a reduction in employment.
The reduction in inventories implies that in the first quarter firms will have to replenish their inventories.