That reduction would cost the city $98 million in revenue next year.
The reduction would cost the government £12.5bn in lost revenue and retailers £200m as they reprice items.
Its reduction in the capital gains tax from a top rate of 28 percent to 14 percent will cost $13 billion, the plan said.
How much would a negotiated reduction in the bonus cost the subway system?
The reduction of this important place cost the British three thousand eight hundred men in killed and wounded.
Over the course of a 40-year retirement, at his reduced rank, the reduction will cost him more than $700,000.
Congressional tax experts said the reductions in capital gains taxes, taken together, would cost the Government $36 billion over seven years.
The reduction, to be phased in over five years, will ultimately cost the state $2.24 billion a year.
But in the short term, the reductions will cost the automaker about $2.4 billion to complete.
A reduction of 10 basis points would cost the bank about $90 million in net income each year, officials said.