Reduces Federal payments to hospitals serving large numbers of poor people.
State officials made a first round of cuts last fall, reducing payments to hospitals, nursing homes and pharmacies by about 5 percent.
Other changes included reducing rebates to doctors and hospitals.
"Reducing payments to doctors and hospitals will encourage cost-shifting to small business."
Women's work became more time-consuming than it had been; the erosion of public services and infrastructure reduced access to schools, hospitals, and markets.
But they may have less access to medical care if the Government reduces payments to doctors and hospitals to finance the tax credits and deductions.
But to try to satisfy that legitimate need by reducing payments to hospitals is extremely unfair.
In the 80's, the federal government, nervous that Medicare spending was out of control, reduced the program's payments to hospitals.
They would also reduce special payments to hospitals that train doctors or serve large numbers of indigent patients.
The budget will cut $400 million from Medicaid and welfare spending, mostly by reducing fees to hospitals.