But displaying so many colors reduces the resolution by half, to 320 by 200; color always comes at the expense of resolution.
Brownlee moved an amendment that reduced the resolution to a vague statement of principle, which passed and was not heard of again.
Image cropping does not reduce the resolution of the area cropped.
In 2007, Dish Network reduced the resolution of 1080-line channels from 1920x1080 to 1440x1080.
The presence of ripple can reduce the resolution of electronic test and measurement instruments.
In addition, the pixel size on the camera may reduce the resolution of the measure.
Another option with laser printers is to reduce the resolution, or dots per inch.
We have also reduced the resolution of the image to something which is more manageable for people to look at.
It is generally disliked because it wastes much screen space and reduces the resolution of the original image.
To record more speed one needs to reduce the recorded resolution on the sensor.