Now, suppose that deleterious mutations reduce survival below this optimal value.
The lower diagonal arrow shows the effects of mutations that reduce juvenile and adult survival equally (.
By contrast natural selection weeds out mitochondria that reduce female survival as such mitochondria are less likely to be passed on to the next generation.
K. gracilis has been shown to reduce survival on saplings, but adult trees have been found with more than 30 feeding scars on their roots.
A peacock's tail almost certainly reduces survival of the peacock as they reduce maneuverability, power of flight, and make the bird more conspicuous to predators.
Metastasis of tumours into the lymph nodes of the neck reduce survival and is the most important factor in the spread of the disease.
As cancer progresses, the basal metabolic rate declines and cachexia occurs, reducing long-term survival.
Infections can be lethal for the larvae and can possibly reduce the fitness of the host by reducing offspring production and survival among adults.
Maternal care is effective in preventing predation, and experimental removal of the mothers reduced survival to almost nothing suggesting this behaviour is adaptive.
Any physical or chemical barrier in the soil that restricts root growth will reduce the productivity and survival of tagasaste.