In fact, getting enough potassium may be as important as reducing sodium when it comes to lowering blood pressure.
No minimum requirement if product says "light" and words "reduced sodium" are not on label.
And the American Medical Association has called for food manufacturers to reduce sodium in foods by 50% over the next 10 years.
Reducing sodium in your diet can also have a significant effect.
Once finalized, the targets will provide a comprehensive framework for reducing sodium in the nation's food supply - and a way to monitor progress.
Reducing sodium in your diet helps you control high blood pressure and avoid congestive heart failure.
But we also know that we must move aggressively to reduce the fat and sodium in school lunches.
Reducing sodium in your diet to less than 2,300 mg a day, which is about 1 teaspoon of salt.
Therefore, decreasing the amount of processed foods you eat is a good way to reduce sodium.
Healthy brown-bag meals can reduce fat, calories, and sodium in our diet, improving overall health.