In other situations this is less than optimal, because the joint between the tool holder and the insert reduces rigidity.
Mr. Gorbachev emphasizes the need to reshape the economy and reduce rigidity in the Soviet system, the process known as perestroika.
Perestroika, or restructuring, is the term most commonly used to describe Mr. Gorbachev's efforts to reshape the economy and reduce rigidity in the Soviet system.
Perestroika, which means restructuring or reconstruction, is the word most often used here for Mr. Gorbachev's program to revive the stagnant economy and reduce rigidity in the Soviet system.
The effort to resist and block pain away, to perceive it different, appears as muscular tension, contraction, reduced breathing, rigidity and limitation of movements.
The former is specified as 6mm machined aluminum plate with extensive milling to reduce weight without critically reducing rigidity.
It reduces bradykinesia and rigidity, helping people to move more easily.
But perestroika, as Mr. Gorbachev calls his program of national reconstruction designed to reduce rigidity in the Soviet system, seems to have brought its own temptations.
The open style of the meeting represented an important step forward in his efforts to reduce rigidity in the Soviet system and to introduce a measure of democracy.
Devices have long been implanted in the brains of patients with Parkinson's disease to deliver pulses of electricity that reduce tremors and rigidity.