And reducing plaque, while desirable, is not synonymous with reducing gum disease.
Sesame seeds reduce plaque and help build tooth enamel.
According to the caption, one is a new dental rinse that "reduces plaque on teeth by over 300 percent."
Clinical trials have already shown that torcetrapib appears to reduce plaque in blood vessels, a crucial contributor to heart attacks and strokes.
Like most mouthwashes, they freshen breath and help reduce dental plaque and gum disease.
Your dentist may also recommend an antibacterial toothpaste that reduces plaque and gingivitis when used regularly.
Sugar-free gum sweetened with xylitol has been shown to reduce cavities and plaque.
You use two other major examples: (1) "a new dental rinse that 'reduces plaque on teeth by over 300 percent.' "
Even the statins, the widely used anticholesterol drugs, do little if anything to reduce plaque.
Chlorhexidine is often used as an active ingredient in mouthwash designed to reduce dental plaque and oral bacteria.