In some cases, it would require a state constitutional amendment to reduce pensions.
The "zero deficit" policy of cutting deficits by reducing government workers' salaries and pensions has failed to improve finances or bring down interest rates.
The authorities decided, against his advice, to reduce pensions and this, coupled with low wages, led to the first police strike in 1872.
Labor leaders in Austria voiced similar complaints about the government's plan to reduce pensions by 11 percent.
In the private sector, a uniform federal pension law bars companies from reducing pensions that employees have already earned.
He also called for "retirement security," saying Democrats, unlike many Republicans, would not seek to reduce public-employee pensions.
Just look at what is happening to public sector workers in Greece, large job losses, +20% cuts in salaries, reduced pensions, increased taxes.
As a result, the government is reducing pensions and benefits, but the Commission tolerates this.
Is it morally right for the European Commission to pressure governments into reducing the minimum wage, pensions or other social benefits?
This silly plan to reduce pensions and make people work longer won't create more jobs.