And lower oil prices would give them more to spend, by reducing outlays for energy.
They would reduce outlays to county governments by 10 percent, including cuts in revenue-sharing programs, school aid and Medicaid, foster care and other social services the state dictates.
CBO estimated in January 2012 that raising the full retirement age for Social Security from 67 to 70 would reduce outlays by about 13%.
Sam Nunn of Georgia wants to reduce outlays much less at first but then phase in larger cuts, and he's right.
That leads to an inescapable conclusion: to the extent that we reduce the deficit by reducing outlays, it has to be done largely in the defense and entitlements.
Since airplane and engine sales are politically influenced in many parts of the world, links to local companies give a supplier insider status and also help reduce outlays.
These people, presumably those with average and above-average incomes, would receive lower Social Security benefits in the future, reducing outlays from the Social Security trust fund.
Mr. Bush would cut spending on community development programs, consolidating 18 programs into 2 and reducing annual outlays from $5.6 billion to $3.7 billion.
The budget includes increased spending for Head Start, the preschool program for poor children, and reduced outlays for student loans.
Mr. Reilly said the agency was considering releasing two of its contractors and has set a goal of reducing outlays for administrative expenditures to less than 20 percent of the contract's value.