Lawry also had personal differences with Ian Chappell, Doug Walters, Ashley Mallett and Brian Taber, which reduced morale and led to a deterioration in Australia's performances on the field.
These "Peninsular" troops were poorly supplied and prepared, few had marksmanship skills and proper battle training, and widespread corruption was reported amongst the officer corps, reducing supplies and morale.
It cut employee work weeks, and pay, by 20 percent and generally reduced the ranks and morale of guild members.
These measures made little difference to the rate of coal consumption but served to reduce public morale.
British bombing seriously reduced morale, and the Japanese along with the INA forces began their withdrawal from India.
But critics of the draft, including senior advisors to both President Bush and Senator Kerry, say conscription would reduce morale, cost too much and create short-term soldiers with inadequate training.
The goals were to disrupt the German war economy, reduce German morale, and "de-house" the German civilian population.
Although preliminary aerial bombardment, particularly that which was employed around Sattelberg, proved largely ineffective in terms of its physical effects, it did serve to reduce Japanese morale.
The commission said political influence often reduced the efficiency and morale of various government offices.
The primary goal of Bomber Command's offensives was to destroy the German economic-industrial base (economic warfare), and in doing so reduce morale.