Thus, energy that is saved by reducing artificial lighting is often more than offset by the energy required for operating HVAC systems to maintain thermal comfort.
Every county council which took part in the survey said they were reducing lighting or planning to do so, as did local authorities in several major cities, including Cardiff, Sheffield, Edinburgh and parts of London.
Similarly, these advancements are extended to commercial and hospitality customers who can reduce ongoing lighting and related maintenance costs with this advanced lighting control system.
Reduce ship's heating and lighting to bare minimum.
Most systems switch lights off at the end of the delay time, but more sophisticated systems with dimming technology reduce lighting slowly to a minimum level (or zero) over several minutes, to minimize the potential disruption in adjacent spaces.
In addition, there does not appear to be wide compliance with an executive order by Gov. Gray Davis that businesses - particularly auto dealers, shopping malls and megastores - reduce outdoor lighting by 50 percent after hours.
Their six-day program featured tours and lectures on desert ecology and on the night skies, which are strikingly vibrant in the Tucson area because of local initiatives to reduce ambient municipal lighting.
In addition, horizontal atriums will allow natural light to filter through the building with will reduce electrical lighting.
Nevertheless, regulatory agencies are talking of the possibility of reducing lighting at shopping centers, in public buildings and on the street to further economize on consumption.
External parabolic collectors require proper heat insulation, double-glazed windows over the zenithal opening and roller blinds to reduce excessive lighting, glare and heat on sunny days.