In wildfire management, smouldering controlled burns can be used to reduce shallow layers of natural fuels at a slow propagation rate.
Several industry executives said yesterday that the plan did not appear to go far enough, since it emphasized creating management safeguards against corruption, instead of reducing layers of red tape.
He said Congress could expect requests for changes in the law as he moved to reduce layers of management.
President Chen Shui-bian has called for major constitutional reforms by 2006 aimed at further reducing layers of government, and making other structural changes aimed at improving governance.
The reorganisation has already resulted in major changes within senior management in order to reduce layers and speed up decision-making.
In early 2011, the senior management structure was simplified to reduce layers, speed up decision-making and bring GNM closer to GMG.
Microbial mats would have been separated into oxidized and reduced layers, and this specialization would have increased their productivity.
Since then, Goodyear has moved to cut costs and reduce layers of management.
The restructuring will reduce layers of management and speed decision-making, the company said.
One of the most effective is to reduce unnecessary layers.