With the doctrine of Mu'tazilism, officially adopted in 829 after the end of the civil war, al-Ma'mun also tried to reconcile doctrinal differences in Islam and reduce social inequities.
He has echoed Mr. Mahathir's criticism of the system of entitlements for the ethnic majority, calling instead for rural development programs to reduce inequities.
Since disparities in health between the better-off and the poor and among whites, blacks and Latinos closely track differences in educational achievement, improving our city's abysmal school completion rates can help New York reduce inequities in health.
This view sees health literacy as a social determinant of health that offers a powerful opportunity to reduce inequities in health.
U.S. President Truman delivered his State of the Union address to Congress and asked for a tax increase, with "changes in our tax system which will reduce present inequities, stimulate business activity, and yield a moderate amount of additional revenue".
Second, local property-tax burdens should be redistributed to stimulate job growth and reduce inequities.
Reducing regional inequities was also important; in 1986 enrollments in the south averaged about four times those in the north.
So it is not your position, as the Incarnation of War, to prevent war; instead you want to shape and guide this visible aspect of social stress and use it to reduce social inequities and facilitate the emergence of more effective leadership.
But I do know that we have had two straight years of significant funding for education programs aimed at reducing inequities and racial and ethnic isolation.
The goal is to ensure that economic integration and development proceeds in a way that reduces inequities and increases the shares of benefits going to the poor.