He said the troop level of 138,000 could be reduced by 30,000 in the early months of 2006 as Iraqi security forces took on a greater role.
Losses were reduced from £1.5 million to £1.1 million in the last six months of trading, and should go down further this year.
Mr. Towers said the company had reduced its catalog mailings in the last 18 months - although by less than 10 percent.
Four of the country's largest full-service airlines said this week that they would reduce capacity in the next several months.
The policy makers have reduced rates seven times in the last 10 months.
In part, this is a measure of how far the office of mayor has been reduced in the seven months after the storm.
Several other countries intend to reduce their participation in the next few months.
This news, the reduced growth forecast and inflation reducing in the next few months will only cause a greater dampening of consumer confidence.
The company has reduced its debt by 8.4 billion euros, or 38 percent, in the last 12 months.
As builders delay land acquisition and construction it could reduce employment and spending in the coming months.