There are reduced fares for a third or fourth adult or child under 16 in a cabin.
Children from 6 to 15 years of age pay reduced fares.
By contrast, United said it was reducing full fares in 12,500 markets.
Reducing fares would make the need for new rail lines greater.
The airline was also credited with helping to reduce fares to and from the airport.
Competition reduced fares to as little a two cents per mile on some routes.
At the same time, traditional airlines are reducing fares and offering premiums to attract bargain hunters.
But to hang onto passengers with a choice of airports, those rivals will have to reduce fares somewhat, he said.
Under the commission's liberalization proposal, a measure called double disapproval could reduce fares significantly.
As Southwest, based here, has expanded coast to coast, other airlines have had to reduce fares or cut back.