Until recently, no well-controlled intervention studies have addressed whether interventions in emergency settings would reduce alcohol consumption and consequences.
Sounding the general emergency alarm earlier would also significantly reduce consequences.
There are several ways to reduce consequences of run-off-road collisions.
It also concerns itself with the possibilities of reducing such consequences and of improving the capacity to manage future incidents.
Integrity management planning is a process for assessing and mitigating risks in an effort to reduce both the likelihood and consequences of incidents.
This vulnerability is addressed by operating in a manner that reduces the risk and consequences of temporary acquisition.
An effective apology reduces negative consequences and facilitating cognitive and behavioral changes associated with forgiveness.
Besides improving patient comfort, pain therapy can also reduce harmful physiological consequences of untreated pain.
Antibiotics, vaccines and other health measures have dramatically reduced the incidence and consequences of many bacterial infections.
While these businesses pay more, the leasing company must also be more vigilant to reduce the risks or consequences of defaults.