Discovery on the floor of the Pacific Ocean around Hawaii could immediately reduce concerns about supply.
Wage increases, which had accelerated in the early spring, eased in May, reducing concerns about inflation.
But word that the buyer would be Scripps reduced concerns, he said.
Public opinion, international pressure to reduce the Federal deficit and domestic economic concerns all argue strongly for further tightening of the military budget.
Public disclosure of the relationships can help reduce concerns about potential conflicts of interest.
In this case, the Eclipse funds are paying the pension plan in securities instead of cash, which should reduce such concerns.
Many wind power companies work with local communities to reduce environmental and other concerns associated with particular wind farms.
Mr. Gallagher said that Atco had been working closely with the local community board to reduce concerns about traffic caused by the complex.
A more stable, democratic Middle East would presumably reduce concerns about interruptions in the flow of oil.
Or it could reduce concerns about inflation by suggesting that the Fed was ready to do what was necessary to curb price increases.