In March, the company announced that it would take a $1.4 billion charge to reduce its work force by 9 percent, or 9,600 employees.
We reduced government spending and the city work force by almost 17,000 employees.
Since 1987, it has reduced its work force by 3,800 employees, to 27,200.
"And we expect to reduce our worldwide work force by at least 17,000 employees this year."
In recent months, the company has reduced that number by 600 employees.
The city has reduced its work force by 20,000 employees, nearly 9 percent.
That budget reduced the work force by 15,000 employees, to 201,000.
Since then, the exchange has reduced its staff by about 60 employees through attrition.
In recent months, the company has reduced its worldwide work force by 300 employees.
The company said it reduced its work force last year by 7,000 employees, to 83,000, without major layoffs.