Being part of a group can help reduce bullying.
The school also pioneers the use of 'behaviour mentors', who aim to reduce bullying and discrimination.
They become sympathetic and begin to advocate for one another, thus reducing bullying.
This system is meant to reduce bullying and encourage friendships with pupils of different ages.
One of the intended consequences is to improve relations between different year groups and reduce bullying.
Their results in reducing bullying are extremely encouraging.
Governors of the school believe that this system will reduce bullying, bring the school closer and Students will make new friends from different years.
The government has appointed a commission to look at ways of reducing bullying in our schools.
Other school-wide strategies are aimed at reducing or eliminating bullying and organizing the local police to better combat gang violence.
Look for Loneliness' was his initiative to help reduce bullying and get children to understand what it is like to feel isolated.