This is an annual herb producing a slender, reddish stem up to about 25 centimeters tall.
This is a short flower with a slender reddish stem not exceeding 15 centimeters.
The reddish green stem carries groups of hairy, heart-shaped leaves.
It is a small annual herb producing an upright reddish brown stem no more than about 10 centimeters long.
The green to reddish stem is up to 30 centimeters long and bears an inflorescence of clustered flowers.
The coarse reddish stem is slightly hairy toward the ends, growing 30 to 90 centimeters long.
This is an annual herb producing a decumbent to erect, reddish stem no more than 30 centimeters long.
Most of them grow at the base of the fuzzy green or reddish stem.
It is an annual herb producing a smooth, hairless, reddish stem up to about 45 centimeters tall.
It has a hairless reddish stem, containing a milky latex, growing from 30 to 200 cm.