The other figure, a burly man with a reddish face, was returning.
She was a very efficient, neat woman with a reddish face, her hair parted in the middle and drawn back tightly against her head.
The woman was young with a healthy reddish face, oval in shape, and large brown eyes.
"I'll say it once I hit 50," he said, his reddish face breaking into a smile.
But the color was leaving his reddish face.
The male has a reddish brown face, with eyes that are crimson above and brown on the sides.
Markov stood up, his slightly reddish face set in a puckish grin.
It has a red bill, large white crescent above the eye and reddish face and "whiskers".
She had mouse-coloured hair and a square, reddish face, but the smile on her wide mouth was charming.
Ho was short, fair, and balding, with a reddish face and a quick smile.