The steersman, a man with a reddish beard of recent growth, waved his hand to them.
Rather, he was a big, courteous man of 54 with a reddish beard.
The other man was taller, blond, with a reddish beard.
The man in the light suit, who has a graying reddish beard, shakes his head.
He looked to the second man, thinner, perhaps a few years younger, with a full reddish blond beard.
He was sort of thin-haired, looking almost bald, with a short reddish beard and brown eyes.
He had a reddish beard with a speck of food trapped in its edge.
He looked like a boy with a reddish beard.
The killer was a man with a short, reddish beard.
He had a reddish beard that was not yet old enough to have bleached.