Four men with shaved heads and a red-and-white banner swarmed the car.
All along its length towers rose, round and standing high above the wall's own height, red-and-white banners whipping in the wind atop each one.
Against a backdrop of red-and-white banners, opposition leaders warned of an impending dictatorship and demanded that he abandon his effort to rewrite Belarus's Constitution.
That explains why the red-and-white banner that hangs from the office balcony says simply, "Communism Is Evil!"
On the stage beneath a red-and-white banner that said "Celebrating Unity," sat a virtual Who's Who of black politics, entertainment and community activism.
In Mandalay, city bosses welcomed Mr. Jiang with a red-and-white banner stretched across the main highway.
There were very few placards, though many people waved little yellow-and-white papal flags and red-and-white Polish banners.
In today's demonstration in Jakarta, about 300 people carrying red-and-white banners and chanting, "Lower the prices!"
And then I saw a huge, red-and-white banner, stretched high on two poles.
As we made our way up the grassy hill, the red-and-white banner came into clearer view.