Another boy donned a dramatic red vestment; he was instantly a priest.
Maureen saw the red vestments of the Cardinal as he moved through the crowded steps in front of them, flanked by two men.
Gruumsh's priests wear dark red vestments, war helms, and black plate mail.
Dressed in red vestments and carrying a large frond over his shoulder, John Paul rode a Popemobile down the procession route to the altar.
Pryrates traced an exaggerated Tree on the breast of his unpnestly red vestments Ellas' expression turned to sly good humor.
These, dressed in red vestments symbolizing martyrs, are the Popes and other clergy representing the church hierarchy.
Of the councillors, who wore red vestments, traditionally four were clerical, later lessened to two.
Dressed in red vestments and a sleeveless surplice, she stood on a large, raised platform at the edge of the peak.
Cardinal Martínez Somalo, dressed in red and gold vestments, officiated the asperges rite.
The service is called the Red Mass because of the red vestments clergy members wear.