Another man, taller than the one with the red turban, snarled a question Conan could not understand.
There was a young Sikh in a red turban, wearing a blue quilted jacket despite the heat.
You know the young man on the platform in the red turban and the blue jacket?
It contained a Hugo dummy, clad in a tuxedo and red turban.
Another woman follows, a stranger in a red turban.
He wore a blue silk robe and a small red turban.
As for uniform, the only sign of it originally was a red turban worn by all in the imperial employ.
He felt the seams, looking for coins, found none so pulled off the wide red turban that was sticky with fresh blood.
He spoke of a man in a red turban and a white "man dress."
While startled, I did recall his bright red turban, and said that we had.