The glitzy interior has rich red tapestries, marble walls and a frescoed ceiling.
Dante leaves the Crusade, stitching a red holy cross-shaped tapestry onto his torso, which depicts every sin he has committed in the past.
He stood in a long sitting room hung with red and green tapestry, furnished with gilt wood settees and tables.
It was decorated in the 1630s with red tapestry and baroque sculptures.
Nearby, he continued, hexagonal columns of basalt had fallen, making the scene "like a medieval castle in ruins with a beautiful red tapestry before your eyes."
He saw the glimmering silver and red tapestries, the huge oval mirror, and title discarded clothes strewn about.
He strode over to a massive and mystical red tapestry- covered wall and pulled a bell rope.
He could almost see it: a rich, red tapestry of connections hanging above the congregation, drapes and banners of scarlet and maroon, simultaneously complex and wondrous.
Semirhage sat doing needlework in a high-backed chair covered in red tapestry, long slender fingers deftly making minuscule stitches to form a labyrinthine pattern of tiny flowers.
I Map With its exposed beams, red tapestries and intimate stone cellars, not to mention the warm fire in winter, this makes an atmospheric little spot for a meal.