She also sometimes wears a red swimsuit.
Students, staff, and faculty report seeing him jogging at ungodly hours in short, red swimsuits.
The famous poster of Farrah in a red swimsuit has been produced as a Barbie doll.
Ted wanted a bikini shot, but Fawcett instead used a one-piece red swimsuit to hide a large scar on her stomach.
The red polka-dot swimsuit under the sheer parka, I loved it.
Jackie made quick work of stripping her clothes and donning her red one-piece swimsuit.
Kate had changed from the red swimsuit into one of her less-flamboyant Lone Star suits, this one pale blue.
Nick worked the red swimsuit down over her hips.
That was Preston Fareweather, all right, garbed in nothing but the briefest possible bright red swimsuit; not so much a fashion statement as a provocation.
She was wearing a red swimsuit.