Absentmindedly, Quilter raised his right hand, and then slapped the insect into a red smudge.
Cabesa kept his rifle trained on the diffuse red smudge.
Aside from red smudges, the figures are in good shape.
The two familiar red smudges appeared at the top of each high cheekbone.
Her face was marked with red smudges, and she held herself stiffly.
She swiped at her face with an open palm, saw black and red smudges on her hands.
Absent-mindedly, Quilter raised one hand and slapped the insect into a red smudge.
Wherever it pressed, he picked up new red smudges.
You've put a line right in the middle of a red smudge, and it looks like a pair of lips.
The fire was no more than a dark red smudge on the earth nearby.