They were all dressed alike-in red sequins with black boots; and on their heads were large metal helmets beneath which I could see locks of yellow hair.
Slinky long hipster skirts were made slinkier by the addition of heat-transferred red sequins.
The red sequin of a cigarette-coal had risen perpendicularly above one, all the way down at the end, imperiously summoning her.
Debbie Kaplan, a very tiny, very loud girl in red sequins, shrieks, "This is one long photo op and we love it!"
For him, the swirl of sparkling red sequins he wore Thursday was relatively sedate.
Crosscurrents: red and silver sequins flung in handfuls.
He pushed a button on one end, and suddenly the rod sparkled with lights, like red and green sequins glittering in the dimness.
Glint-specks of vivid ruby light that raced through the sky, strung together so tightly they formed a near solid band, like a rainbow of red sequins.
Smoke will billow from a bull's horns at the barbecue for the Missouri delegates, who will each be given a cowboy hat sparkling with red sequins.
She sported a tight-fitting white T-shirt that announced in scripted red sequins, Felonious.