"Ama, look, your new red sari is messed with mud."
Mr. Rahman, who never knew the bride's full name, said she wore a red sari and a big smile.
Women in blazing red saris were washing their clothes by beating them against a rock.
The bride wore a red sari embroidered in gold and silver threads.
She wore a red sari with gold trim that her uncle had brought from Bombay.
She wears a red sari and is between 30-40 and handsome with Rajput features.
Kapoor wore a red sari draped in the style of a dhoti.
A woman in a red sari rushed into the road, knelt, and thrust her hand into the full stream.
In either case, they would only have been confused by her embroidered red sari.
The old woman in the red sari stepped into the firelight.